We are looking for participants for our upcoming training course project „YE My yEUth Story 2.0.„ in Varna, Bulgaria
DATES OF THE PROJECT: 15-21 May 2025
AGE OF PARTICIPANTS : 18+ (6 participants)
The youth exchange My yEUth Story 2.0 focuses on storytelling techniques to spread EU values and young people’s experiences and beliefs, to bring a deeper understanding of the EU Youth Strategy (2019-2027) and the 11 Youth Goals and to inspire young people to take an action and feel empowered to make a differences in their own lives and communities. The youth exchange will focus on YG #3 Inclusive societies and YG #6 Moving Rural Youth Forward. Through different non-formal activities and storytelling techniques, participants will enhance their soft and communicational skills and create shared experiences and strengthen bonds within their communities.
Find more details here: INFOPACK
!!! Please keep in mind that you are applying for a training course. Erasmus+ is not a travel agency, but an educational activity designed to improve or acquire your knowledge and skills in the field of training content. !!!
Ako funguje výberový proces? V dostatočnom čase po zverejnení výzvy (spravidla po 10 dňoch) hodnotíme prichádzajúce prihlášky a oslovujeme účastníkov pre potvrdenie účasti. Pokiaľ ponuka už nie je viditeľná na stránke Hľadáme účastníkov, projekt je obsadený a nie je možné sa hlásiť, zároveň ak ste nedostali potvrdzovací email, z kapacitných dôvodov vás bohužiaľ nemôžeme vyslať. Vzhľadom na vyšší záujem nie je v našich silách vždy odpovedať na prihlášky účastníkov, ktorí neboli vybraní. Ďakujeme za pochopenie.