Volunteering in a Youth for Equality: Here’s what It taught me
Hello, my name is Diana Tereshchenko. I have eight years of experience working in IT and educational companies, where I was involved in event organization and sales. This year, I…
10 Months of Skills I Gained in the European Solidarity Corps Program (Young Leaders): A Journey Story from Mahmut Uğur
It all started the day I applied to join the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) program. I was full of excitement and a little bit of anxiety. I was going to…
A Year of Growth with the European Solidarity Corps by Meri
Exactly a year ago, I was looking for a long-term experience somewhere in Europe when I saw a volunteering program in Slovakia. Slovakia was a relatively unexplored and new country…
ESC: My volunteering journey by Viki
For the past year, I have had the incredible opportunity to volunteer with Youth for Equality, an international organization dedicated to promoting equality and social change. This experience has been…
ESC: On Arrival training
Our volunteers Meri and Viktoria were excited to participate in the arrival training, which took place from April 20-24 in Zvolen. The training organized by NIVAM (Národný inštitút vzdelávania a…
ESC: Welcome Meri!
Welcome to our family 🎉 We are glad to have such an amazing person in our team. ________________________________ Ahoj, I’m Meri from Armenia. The first sentence I learned in Slovak…
Thank you for your time and effort as a volunteer. Your help is truly appreciated, and it makes a real difference. Your contribution helps create a positive impact, and we couldn’t do it without you! Thank you for being such an essential part of our team.
Ďakujeme za Tvoj čas a úsilie ako dobrovoľník. Tvoju pomoc si skutočne vážime a spoločne vytvárame pozitívny dopad, čo by sme bez Teba nedokázali! Ďakujeme, že si takou nevyhnutnou súčasťou nášho tímu.