Duration: 1 month
Location: Komotini, Greece
Starting date: spring 2021
We are looking for 10 participants (18-30 years old) from Slovakia.
This ESC project has the following aims and objectives:
– To create a Safe plan for our town so we are ready to response to environmental challenges, including disaster prevention, preparedness and recovery
– To educate and train 6000 people who live in Komotini to be more environmental friendly to their daily life
– To create the “citizens watch” cooperating with authorities that will be:
a) ready to take the first actions in case of environmental disaster (fire in the forest)
b) as well as to have an annual operation an constantly train the youth (inside the schools) to know how to prevent such disasters
– To promote volunteering on solidarity base for youth
– To learn how to support an environmental event in order to promote environmental and safety awareness
– To present intercultural learning by working, creating and cooperating together
– To help the participants in their personal, social and professional development that lead to better self-esteem when they will be confronted to new experiences, attitudes and behaviors.
With participating in this project the 45 participants will be more tolerant and aware of cultural diversity in Europe. There will be several methodological segments of the youth exchange that each contribute to the general aims and objectives and in each segment the participants will be actively involved. The main theme of the project is promoting volunteering for response to environmental challenges, including disaster prevention, preparedness and recovery in the frame of a whole city upgrade and the final environmental Festival “SAFE TOWN”. Our aim is to give the participants a chance to exchange their knowledge and use their imagination to make something extra ordinary. We want to motivate them to think outside the box and make something creative and unique. We have the staff, the support, the tools and the frame to see that happening.
System and G (Greece) – www.systemandg.eu Facebook: Systemandg
Youth for Equality (Slovakia) – www.youthforequality.sk Facebook: yeslovakia
CEI (Ukraine) – www.eu.sumy.ua Facebook: ceisumy
Centered at the European Information Center of Komotini (www.europedirectkomotini.eu)
Municipality of Komotini and Municipal Company of Education, Youth, Culture and Sports (DEKEPAK) www.komotini.gr
Rodopi secondary education directorate (www.dide.rod.sch.gr, www.index.php)
22 out of 45 volunteers (18-30 YEARS OLD) will be people with fewer opportunities – young people facing social, economic, and educational and geographically obstacles as well cultural differences and health issues and light disability (with no very limited mobility) will participate to our project.
In total 10 Slovak participants will participate in this project, age 18 – 30 years old.
Accommodation will be covered.
You will receive a pocket money 250€/month.
Travel budget per participant from Slovakia is 275€.
CONTACT: Send your CV and a short motivation to info@youthforequality.sk