Preskočiť na obsah

Volunteers United in Diversity

Duration: 6 months

Location: Athens, Greece, IRTEA

Starting date: 20th July 2020 – 20th January 2021

We are looking for 2 participants (18-30 years old) from Slovakia.

„Volunteers united in diversity“ is a 6-month project that aims to engage the volunteers to youth activities and projects implemented by the hosting organization in the fields of Youth participation, Human Rights and Democracy, Media and Structured Dialogue. The volunteers will participate to a series of activities that aim to promote youth participation and active engagement within their society, especially to young people who lack of opportunities. Through their involvement, the volunteers will act for the support of the local youth and contribute to the overall aim of the host organisation which is to improve young people’s everyday life.

Tasks of volunteers:

Support the management of IRTEA local activities, Support IRTEA social media and web presence, Participate in EUBLOG portal by writing articles, Develop own ideas for future activities and international projects in English and projects.

Volunteers‘ profile Criteria

– young people 18-30 years old, willing to get to know people and different cultures

– Curriculum Vitae (Europass format) and Motivation letter are obligatory for applying for the project

The project is FUNDED by European Solidarity Corps programme – accommodation will be fully covered, a volunteer will receive pocket money 150€/monthly, food will be arranged by hosting organization, health insurance as well, travel costs from Slovakia to Greece and back will be covered up to 275€ and local transport during the project will be covered as well.

You will be accommodated in a convenient and spacious 2-bedroom apartment, fully equipped with all necessary electric appliances and cutlery. The apartment comes with a TV set, air condition, wifi, washing machine, spacious bathroom, kitchen, a large living room and 2 balconies. It is conveniently located near our headquarters, market place, restaurants, grocery shops, pharmacy, shopping mall and cinema.

IRTEA hosting organization

The Institute of Research and Training on European Affairs- I.R.T.E.A. constitutes a Think Tank in Greece and South Europe, created by specialized young scientists aiming to bridge the gap between the academic knowledge and the society, politics and the business world. Our major goal is to promote structured and open dialogue between the civil society and EU officials and to foster civic engagement, through innovative projects and activities. I.R.T.E.A.’s advantages include the interaction with both the Greek and the European youth and student community and its activities comprise of youth projects, conferences, Simulations of EU Bodies, Policy Papers‘ development and other. Our activities are based on non- formal learning tools and methodology, aiming to promote youth participation, active citizenship and European identity, to foster development of skills and competences and to enhance the professional profile and competitiveness of the participants.


Enhance knowledge, skills and competences; Familiarize themselves with youth; Provide services to an international Work for the benefit of and mingle with; Be part of an ambitious team and experience best practices & examples from other young people and colleagues; Experience youth work at professional level; Generate ideas and improve professional profile; Learn how to systematically manage projects.

Learn more about the volunteering projects by a personal experience of Domi who was participating in ESC project

EURÓPSKY ZBOR SOLIDARITY poskytuje mladým ľuďom príležitosť vykonávať dobrovoľnícku prácu alebo pracovať vo svojej vlastnej krajine či v zahraničí na projektoch, z ktorých majú prospech komunity a ľudia v celej Európe. Program podporuje solidaritu v spoločnosti a zároveň je prostriedkom ďalšieho učenia sa, získavania skúsenosti. Okrem podpory miestnych aktivít hosťujúcej organizácie, účastníci získajú nové zručnosti, naučia sa jazyky a objavia iné kultúry. Princípy a metódy neformálneho a informálneho vzdelávania sa odzrkadľujú v celom procese. Projekt sa môže venovať rôznym témam (žurnalistika, ekológia, mládež, šport, sociálna starostlivosť, kultúrne dedičstvo, umenie, európske otázky, rozvojová spolupráca) a aktivitám (tvorba workshopov pre miestnu komunitu, aktivity so žiakmi/študentami, realizácia festivalov, tvorba vlastných malých projektov,..).

Ako to prebieha – účatsník realizuje svoj program v organizácii, ktorá má sídlo v inej krajine než je Krajina jeho trvalého pobytu. Služba je neplatená, nezisková a pracuje sa približne 4-6 hodín denne. Je poskytnutá podpora – ubytovanie, strava, mesačné vreckové, refundované cestovné výdavky, zabezpečené zdravotné poistenie, jazyková, osobná, pracovná, administratívna podpora každému účastníkovi. Účastník ja vyslaný podpornou organizáciou v krajine jeho pobytu do hosťujúcej organizácie, ktorá má sídlo v inej krajine, než je Krajina jeho pobytu. V projekte môže byť zapojených viacero dobrovoľníkov.

Kto sa môže zúčastniť – môžeš sa zaregistrovať do portálu vo 17 rokov, no na projekte môžeš začať pracovať až po dosiahnutí 18 rokov. Do projektov európskeho zboru solidarity sa môžu zapojiť ľudia vo veku do 30 rokov. Je možné sa zúčastniť len RAZ V ŽIVOTE.

You can find an infopack here:


If you are interested, send email directly to with your CV and a motivation letter.