My ESC volunteering at Youth for Equality may have come to an end, but my journey through life is just...
Čítaj viacBlog
How i learned, had fun and met amazing people
My ESC experience in Youth for Equality: How i learned, had fun and met amazing people Hello there, I would love...
Čítaj viacThe Opportunity that found me!
People would often start by saying “Hi, my name is…” and continue writing a boring blog about how they got...
Čítaj viacTC SE-Rural 2.0
Chianciano Terme, Italy. 18-22.10.2024 As I am a wannabe entrepreneur, the SE Rural 2.0 Erasmus training gave me a...
Čítaj viacYE COMB
Vanaoue, Estonia 16.9.-25.9.2024 In September I visited the Baltic countries for the first time in my life. I’ve landed in...
Čítaj viacYE Young Visionaries
Varna, Bulgaria 18.9.-24.9.2024 Young Visionaries was a nice youth exchange, focused on activation of youth and citizens in public matters....
Čítaj viacYE Danceacademy breakdancing
Mühlhausen, Germany 27.8.-6.9.2024 I’ve always wanted to visit Germany, when suddenly I got accepted to the Danceacademy breakdancing project in...
Čítaj viacYE Right is a need, let the kids enjoy it!
Antalya, Turkey 1.-9.10.2024 The Erasmus+ project in Antalya, Turkey, was an unforgettable journey of growth, cultural exchange, and shared purpose....
Čítaj viacYE Perspective of the Moment
Międzybrodzie Bialskie, Poľsko 15.-23.11.2024 Pred pár dňami sme sa vrátili z malebnej, poľskej dedinky Międzybrodzie Bialskie. O existencii tejto dedinky sme,...
Čítaj viacYE Read beyond the title
Tekirdag, Turkey 24.-31.10.2024 Are you introvert, or just having a feeling, that you should connect yourself more with people? Don´t loose...
Čítaj viacHalloweenový Erasmus v Dubline
Nedávno sme zažili úžasný Erasmus pobyt v Dubline. Tento výlet bol jedným slovom nezabudnuteľný. Celý pobyt mal nádhernú atmosféru a...
Čítaj viacESC: Mobility Week 2024
European Mobility Week in Trnava : 10.09 – Arrival Day:Our journey began from various countries (Ukraine, Türkiye, Czechia, Portugal, Serbia). Some...
Čítaj viac