Lucia, Slovakia
This Erasmus + project was my first experience like this. Firstly I was scared and didnt know what should I expect from that but it turned out to unforgettable week. I met so many lovely and kind people from different countries but also from my country- Slovakia. I was amazed by all the friendships I created, by all enriching conversations and by the atmosphere that we made together. I enjoyed the topic and confirmed my previous thoughts about the importance of taking actions for our environment and against climate change. I will always think of this project like the sweetest memory of mine.
I am very happy that I filled the application for this project and was selected. I met lovely people that live very close to me and with those that don’t we exchanged contacts. During the week we held presentations and discussions. I got new ideas about what plants to plant and which more eco-friendly products to use. I got to know Crete and Greece from different perspective and I am very thankful for this opportunity.
We came to Chania without knowing each other and went home with lifelong friendships. We got a lot of information about the environment and the main topic of this project. I want to thank the organization Youth for equality for the help and communication before and during the project. I warmly recommend you all to take part in projects in which youth for equality participates.
I am really glad that I had a chance to be a part of this project. Not only because of the knowledge I gained about the environment but also because of people that I have spent time with. All of them left something in me, they taught me a lot about their culture and the way they are interested in the environment and activities they do to protect our planet.