Discover EU 1.-10.8.2024
People who have never travelled will never see the world from the same perspective as a person who has seen different parts of the world. You know the place where… Čítať viac »Discover EU 1.-10.8.2024
People who have never travelled will never see the world from the same perspective as a person who has seen different parts of the world. You know the place where… Čítať viac »Discover EU 1.-10.8.2024
Priateľstvá, more a dobrá atmosféra s dobrou témou na diskusiu. Čo viac si mohlo priať 6 slovenských účastníkov, ktorí sa vydali na cestu do Varny v Bulharsku. Od 22.5 do 27.5 sme mali… Čítať viac »Mládežnícka výmena: Youth for Democracy
10.5. – Náš deň sa začal cestovaním z Trnavy do Bratislavy, kde sme mali chvíľu čas na prestup autobusu do Viedne. Tento čas sme využili na obed. Na letisko sme… Čítať viac »Erasmus+ projekt, Portugalsko “Green Rhapsody of Optimistic World”
It all started the day I applied to join the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) program. I was full of excitement and a little bit of anxiety. I was going to… Čítať viac »10 Months of Skills I Gained in the European Solidarity Corps Program (Young Leaders): A Journey Story from Mahmut Uğur
The main idea of this project was “Social entrepreneurship.” Entrepreneurship is defined as the ability and readiness to develop in various ways. During this project, six people from Slovakia collaborate… Čítať viac »Youth exchange in Serbia: Step Up 4 your Goal